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giovedì 10 giugno 2010

rFactor1 Grand Prix of Deutschland - Nurburgring - Report Cards by Ax89

Ahmet Kesgin was kicked out after two dreadful races.

Ahmet Kesgin - 0
With a previous assigned penalty, he didn't joined the qualify session, and his grid position was of course the last (14th for today's joined drivers). Good start in terms of leaving the grid when the light was green, but totally unacceptable for his behaviour in fair and sporty terms. He literally destroyed and/or ruined lot of cars, including himself: nothing more to say, he ended his race slight ahead of the first corner for the suspensions damages, but got a DSQ from the entire championship for that race management. Totally unclassifiable, we can't speak of a real F1 driver.

Luc Bernard - 2
Surely the slowest driver on track for the qualify session, and he started 13th on the grid.
His race was traumatic, going out just after starting, for multiple crashes, caused by both the Brawn GP drivers, that destroyed and damaged several parts of his car. For him, there was no way to continue but just only few other meters, and he was forced to retire himself from the race. Again a bad performance for him on the race weekend, just like it was on the previous GP.

Mario Wariof - 4
Also on this race, he showed not a great performance, because of not testing as much as others did. His qualifying position wasn't anyway such bad, being 9th on the grid start. Anyway, when starting, he suffered one of the bad manouevres of Kesgin, being hitted by him and having a damaged rear suspension train. This forced him to pit at the end of lap, trying to repair damages, but his cars again wasn't able to stay well on track, and he decided to retire from the race just one lap later. A bad weekend for him, again forced to retire prior to showing off some qualities.

Antonio Iudicello - 5
Today's race was just the worst of a series of GPs for him. His qualify time allowed him to start from the exact middle of the grid, in 7th place. He managed not a brilliant start, going on the grass to avoid a stopped car on the grid, but he drove pretty good and safely, going above his starting position, and fixing himself on a stable 6th place. His consistency was really good, but he suffered poor tyres grip and a not great car performance, being recovered by Adam, and defending from his attacks, but was hitted by him in an overtake try. Anyway, his race ended at lap 8 just by a disconnection, like never happened before, and again a no point race had been written on the championship for him.

Mario Nieto - 3
He didn't repeated his previous GP's performance, and today he started 13th with no time scored. His starting wasn't good, and he hitted Bernard's McLaren on the first corner, braking too late. Anyway, he didn't suffered significant damages, and climbed up in 8th position at the end of first lap, becoming later also the 6th, and dropping down by 1 position just after his pitstop on lap 13: 2 laps later he made an accident, and his Brawn GP was destroyed, so the race ended at this point for him. Being a bit lucky, his race wasn't such remarkable today, and he also didn't a good job generally.

Giacomo Serra - 6
Also today, the STR driver didn't showed great performances unlike his teammate. He qualyfied on the 10th place, maintaining this place for 15 laps. His race still wasn't easy: at start a bad accident between Bernard and Greg got him involved in a crash, which caused the front wing loosing for him. He was forced to pit at first lap, but didn't missed any position, because of the retirement of the other drivers. With Nieto out at lap 15, he gained another position, closing his race on a 9th place, being the last driver who finished the race. A flat race for him, like previous races, with nothing of particular to see from him.

Giuseppe Greg - 5
His race management wasn't brilliant as seen on the past GP. He managed a good qualify, starting in 8th position, but causing a little mess with his teammate Nieto on the start moment. He dropped down last on the first lap, but after pitting to repair damages, he started to recover somne positions, thanks also for the retirement of other drivers. Anyway, his performance was remarkable compared to his final position, but he wasn't so constant on laps, so he finished the same as the starting grid place. Not a good performance from him today, he didn't showed much, only few fights but not a clean driving.

Ferrari's Zingalus is one of the most consistent drivers of the league.

Massimo Burdisso - 8
This "little" guy proved again that his mind isn't located, like others, in the middle of legs, and even if he qualifyed 11th, his race was another story, showing again a great race management. Good clean start, that allowed him to stay away from troubles and to climb up in the 9th place. He even was able to gain 2 more positions, but pitted a little early compared to other drivers, losing those positions: still this strategy really payed off, as, thanks to his consistency, even if the lap time wasn't great at all, he catched again the 7th place on lap 16, an maintained it well to the race end. He was the first pilot to finish with 1 lap gap, but his race was pretty much good, and could be also choiced as the best driver of the day.

Adam Smith - 7
As the previous race, another good performance showing from McLaren's driver. He set the 6th fastest lap on the qualify and also on the final race best laps list, and the 6th place was also his final position on the chequered flag: he was the last driver to be in full laps at race end. He was initially in a good fight with Iudicello's Toyota, but in a missed overtake trying he broken his front wing and had to pit on the 8th lap to change his nose. Just few laps, and he recovered his initially position. Only a little crazy attack against Cabiddu's Force India to remark, but generally, he had a good race today.

Giammy Serra - 8
Also the STR driver has the same final position as the one at start, and like Adam, the same position on the fastest laps list. He managed a very good qualify lap, and started on 5th position. His race was still much more exciting than any other driver on the race: on the first lap, a clean driving and an excellent attack manouevre gave him an amazing 2nd place, but this dream last for only 2 more laps: he gave back the 2nd position to the original BMW owner, and a little later, lost other 2 positions. A pretty good consistency, but after his pitstop, his lap time increased like the first pilots, so he was unable to catch even the 4th driver to start a fight, and managed well his car as usual, going to the end. Good race for him.

Simone Cabiddu - 7
Cabiddu's performance on the qualify was the most closer to the top 2 drivers of the day, and he started on the 3rd place: he badly ruined this advantage, starting pretty bad, and after many other drivers losing 2 positions. His race wasn't such spectacular, and the only fight moment was at the 16th lap with his team mate, battling for the 3rd position, who overtook him. Not bad, but today Cabiddu didn't surprised like in the previous GPs, having a nearly flat race.

Gianpiero Baroni - 7
Also the other Force India driver hadn't a good race today, but at least, he catch a podium, finishing 3rd. He started on the 2nd line, after a great fight in qualify with Corigliano. He lost the pole fight but won the start one, overtaking the pole-sitter, and dominating the race for almost 13 laps: at this point he wasted his chance of victory, hitting the wall after a technical problem, resulting in a broken nose and the needing to pit to change it. Then, he lost several positions and time, but his determination gave him the chance to gain still a podium place: running like the hell he set an amazing fastest lap, even better than his qualify time and the poleman time itself. He recovered a position, leaving his mate behind on 4th, and tryed until the end to catch the 2nd place, but wasn't lucky. A peer sign for him today, keeping his place on the drivers championship.

Alex Zingalus - 9
Again a very good result for him, centering the same podium place for the second time. His qualify time wasn't so much remarkable, but his performance on race didn't suffered the same score, setting the 3rd best time on the today's race. The first half of race wasn't much exciting for him, just an overtake against Serra's car, catched in troubles. His maximum glory moment was on lap 13, when the current race leader pitted: he leaded the race, but for 1 lap only, because he had to make his stop, and gave the 1st place back to the previous leader. Returning on track in 2nd place thanks to the Baroni's mistake, he managed a good second half of race, making also his personal best lap, and managing well his position.

Davide Corigliano - 8
He made the today's race pole time, but the race didn't started in the best way as he wished, losing the lead just after the the green light was on for a bad momentum. Not only this, but even worse: few corners later, he was overtaken by Giammy Serra's STR. He started to recover his leading place from the 3rd lap, when he was back on the 2nd place, running high to stay in touch with the leader. He pitted on the 12th lap, and he was lucky not only of returning on his previous position, but also gaining the race leadership when Baroni made his crash: he immediately moved on the top, and leaded the race until the end, with a good margin from other drivers. Generally, a good race for him, again a bit lucky but at the same time clever enough to take advantages from those lucky moments.

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