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mercoledì 12 maggio 2010

Report cards and assessments - by AX89

Nicola Bianchi is still in troubles: he never ended a race.
Nicola Bianchi - 2
He didn't had a qualify time, and also he didn't joined tests. On race, he started 12th and lost almost immediately four positions, moving last on the back. He did 63 contacts, including the accident that costed him the retirment before ending first lap. Worst driver of this race.

Gianpiero Baroni - 4
He managed the second place on start grid, but he had problems with his connection, costed him to have minor lags, and to hit a car in front of him, hitting later as consequence the wall, and retiring from the race. Worst race for his career, he probably could had the possibility to avoid that accident and to race normally with great possibilities.

Juan Manuel Cardozo - 3
He also didn't a qualify time, but started immediately behind the last pilot with a time scored. He did only 4 laps before retiring for a big damage to suspensions. On those laps, he didn't proved to be enough strong, losing four positions on the first lap and returning to the pit, recovering one position only for piddu's retirement. Bad race for him.

Tomas Luty - 3
This driver hadn't a qualify time, and he was the last at start. He recovered well nine positions on the first 2 laps, but he lost again six positions on the following 2 laps because of accidents. He pitted on every lap of race, except lap 1 and lap 5. A race to forget for him: with only 6 laps on track, he didn't repeated his tests times, showing poor performances.

Luc Bernard - 5
Also no qualify time for him: starting on 13th position, he recovered several positions even if he pitted on first lap, moving on 6th place until lap 3. He lost one position after that lap, but recovered it later, only for a single lap: an accident ended his race. Generally, he managed a good race with a high constancy, proving to be able to end the race with points.

Giaki Serra - 5
Another bad weekend for this driver. He started on 7th place, recovering three positions during first 3 laps, but losing one during following laps. He managed a well race until lap nine when he had a great number of contacts, costing him to enter the pits for 2 laps sequentially. At lap 10, he did the last mistake that costed the retirement. Another no-point race for him.

Adam Smith - 4
A crazy drive style, that allowed him to recover, even if starting in 8th, three positions on the first lap, causing contacts with more than a single driver. Later on race he dropped down to the 11th place, pitting on lap 2, but he recovered again five positions. A suspensions damage marked his retirement at lap 12, during which he showed a great force mixed to a bad drivestyle: a very strange guy.

Giuseppe Greg - 5
Starting on 14th position by a penalty, he slowly climbed up to the 9th place, even if stopped by 3 pit stops, but at that point, the race ended for him, on lap 12. He showed surely a sort of constancy, but not enough to end race safely, thanks also for the retirement of other pilots. An unclear race for him, with lot of average results.

Zingalus was the best driver of the race for the press.

Mario Wariof - 4
A very strange race for this driver. He started on 6th place, climbing up to the third place in only 2 laps. He maintained that place for 5 laps, prior to fall down because of several accidents, caused even by his damaged steering wheel, that forced him to go in the pits for 6 times. He recovered some positions, until the end of race, but he ended 8th with a delay of 5 laps from the first. Bad weekend for him.

Daniele Vacca - 6
He started on 10th place. He moved to the 5th place during first 2 laps, but he rolled back almost last in the following lap. He recovered slowly five positions, moving on 7th place from the middle of the race onward, until the end. Finally, some point for that pilot, but from a G25 user, we expect more than this "lucky but poor" performance, even if he was constant.

Max Burdisso - 8
He qualified 9th in the grid. He didn't done a good qualify time, but his race was pretty good: on start he defended his position, but an accident forced him to pit at lap 2, losing some positions. His constancy allowed him to drive with a very small amount of contacts with barriers, moving up to the 6th place, even if he was one of the slowest drivers of the day. Nice race for this guy.

Antonio Iudicello - 6
The curse of the 5th place stuck still continue on this race for him. A great number of contacts with barriers ruined a little his day. He proved to be competitive during weekend and tests, even if scored a bad time on qualify, but he did a lot of little mistakes that costed him to lose time on the first half of race. He started and finished 5th, but he wasn't constant on lap times. Not a good work from this driver.

Alex Zingalus - 9
He started 15th on the grid for the penalty. He had a great race, even if he was 4th at the end: he did a very well race, with high performance per lap, small amount of contacts, good strategy. Only a little disappoint for tyres, which costed him to lose the opportunity to fight for a place on the podium. Generally, the best driver of the race.

Giammy Serra - 9
A great race day for this driver. He started on 4th position, but dropped down to the 8th position for a puncture, pitting on lap 2. Immediately, he choosed to change strategy for his race, refueling enough to end the race. Step-by-step, he recovered a great amount of positions, pushing himself to the 2nd place, lost at only 3 laps from the end, because of the tyre fatigue. Great performance from him, he gained a very deserved third place on podium today, the 2nd best driver of the race.

Davide Corigliano - 7
Not a good race for him: he realized the pole position and the fastest lap on Monaco, but his strategy didn't paid off. Running on soft tyres gave him an advantage at the first laps, but his lead was compromised at lap 13, when he pitted also for repairing some damages. He lost three positions, and his luck to finish on 2nd place was aided by Giammy's weak tyres, that prevented at the same time Alex to overtake him (Giammy), slowing both of them, and helping Corigliazzu to overtake both Alex and Giammy in 2 laps: not exactly what we expected today.

Simone Cabiddu - 8
A deserved podium for him: the great efforts showed by him today had been the prove of that. He gained the 2nd place immediately before suppapiddu's retirement. His consistency and constancy had been paid off, with a slight help from the Corigliazzu's mistakes and from the delayed drivers. Not an easy job, but his work has produced his fortune and his victory today.

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